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Community / support / How to setup S3Drive and encrypt files?
I have like over 15 gigs of hentai collection and i want to store them in a secure cloud but how do i even use s3drive!? how to create an acc.!?
Hi @Lorian, please find our FAQ: In principle you'll need to register an S3 account at some provider: Then you'll have to setup API details: which you use to connect from the S3Drive. You'll need to enable E2E encryption in the Settings (you'll be asked to provide your password which will be used to encrypt your assets). Once it's all done you can then safely upload your files. You will be able to access your files on all devices as long as you connect using same API details and setup same E2E encryption password. I hope that helps a bit. (edited)
I cant connect, I have successfully registered and setup API details and enabled encryption whatever
Hi again @Lorian You need to swap around first two rows. KeyID is first, applicationKey comes second. Since you've shared these keys already in public, once you set it up, please regenerate them for your own safety. Enabling encryption on the Backblaze side wouldn't hurt, but that's Server Side Encryption which means Backblaze at any time can read your data (I am not saying they will, only that they have such technical possibility). If you really aim to protect your privacy, you'll need to enable client-side encryption in S3Drive. (edited)
👌 1
@Tom i did it!! Thanks, kind mister!!
9:10 AM
Perfect, depending on your needs you may want to adjust your S3 provider. As far I am concerned Backblaze offers 10GB free account. There are some providers offering little bit more than that, but as always there are some gotchas.
which ones offering bit more than that!? I just tried Cloudfare R2 and its okay, good but personally i think backblaze is better than this
Whilst I can't recommend any. There are couple others. - 15GB - 25GB There is also Scaleway, they claim 75GB, but there are some gotchas. The Storage Class needs to be configured: S3Drive supports custom Storage Class configuration, however it is a paid feature.
Tom changed the channel name: How to setup S3Drive and encrypt files? 11/2/2023 11:25 AM
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